Parking system
Opening convenient and comfortable parking culture with advanced technology

- Samjung Tech has accumulated the best leading technology and experience and supplied the most convenient and highly efficient parking system to solve the parking problems in the metropolitan area. We also have a variety of models to pursue high reliability, durability and speeds based on our experience and know-how for a long period of time and provide a pleasant parking environment to our customer with rapid after-sale service.
- Ele-parking
- Cart parking
- Box parking
- Trolley parking
- Translator parking
- Puzzle parking
- Rotary Parking
- Car Lift
- Free parking
- Elevator type
- It features in installation of lift with a pallet on the center of tower and by moving the pallet to the right and left after a car is entered on it. You can find the cutting-edge technology of Samjung Tech with express running speed by the latest elevator system and low-noise, low-vibration operating mechanism.
- Features
- 1) Easy to use for drivers
- 2) Low noise, low vibration and environmentally friendly
- 3) Express running of 90m/min ~ 145m/min to shorten
entry and exit of cars
- 4) Easy to enter and exit with built-in turntable
- 5) You can choose suitable model according to installation methods,
access methods and location.

Cart parking
- Multi floor cart type - pallet type
- It shortens the time of taking in and out of the vehicles due to operating both elevators and carts simultaneously, and is easy to install entrance and exit.
- Features
- 1) Increased parking space by installing additional lifts
- 2) Shortening of time by forward driven entry (or exit) upon installing
built-in turntable
- 3) Effectively corresponds to the vehicle flow line plan by enabling
flexible placement of entry and exit positions
- 4) Variety of models including built-in turntable

Box parking
- Multi floor rotation type
- This is a rotation type of multiple levels based on the principle of lift and conveyor by placing pallet in a row to repeat lift and convey. It is suitable for small buildings and can be installed 2 to 6 multi-layers.
- Features
- 1) Highly efficient use of space for narrow and strip land
- 2) Variety of models including built-in turntable

Trolley parking
- Multi floor cart type - Non-pallet type
- This type consists of a lift moving vertically from the entrance floor to the parking floor, and trolleys traveled independently in each stage of the parking floor. Flexible arrangement of entrance and exit is possible. This system is able to cope with the plan for moving lines of the vehicles as well to utilize underground space.
- Features
- 1) Up to 100 parking space per lift
- 2) Possible to increase parking space by installation of additional lifts
- 3) Non-pallet type, shortening of time by entry and exit simultaneously
(average 1 minute)
- 4) It can be used semipermanently by installing concrete on parking lot
and be easy for maintenance.
- 5) Construction period can be shortened by forming steel frame on it
- 6) Shortening of time by forward driven entry (or exit) upon installing built-in turntable

Translator parking
- Elevator slide type - Non-pallet type
- A translator is elevating and running at the same time to allow vehicles for entry and exit on parking space such as automated warehouse. You can control the number and moving lines of the vehicles by arranging the number and location of entrance and exit easily.
- Features
- 1) Up to 100 parking space per lift
- 2) Possible to increase parking space by installation of additional lifts
- 3) Shortening of time by entry and exit simultaneously (average 1 minute)
- 4) It can be used semipermanently by installing concrete on parking lot
and be easy for maintenance.
- 5) Construction period can be shortened by forming steel frame on it
- 6) Lower floor height is needed for parking lot, which result
in maximizing utilization of the basement floor when planning new buildings.

Puzzle parking
- Multi level puzzle type
- The movement of vehicles in and out with upper and lower pallets repeating elevation and horizontal movement enables the continuous installation like unit 3, 5, 7 depending on the site condition.
- Features
- 1) Excellent space efficiency
- 2) Fast entry and exit
- 3) Even if a single unit is failed, other units can be operated normally.

Rotary Parking
- Vertical rotation type
- This system rotates cages with car vertically by endless chain and is specially designed for up to 16 cars.
- Features
- 1) Shorter continuous entry and exit
- 2) Excellent space efficiency
- 3) Suitable for parking lot in downtown area
- 4) Excellent entry and exit speed

Car Lift
- Elevator for car
- This is a elevator for car and is operated by drive-in driver.
- Features
- 1) Efficient utilization of building space (lamp is not required)
- 2) Less trouble
- 3) Easy to use for users

Free parking
- Light steel frame drive-in type
- Free parking is mainly used by the public, which is economic system made by using assembling type of light steel frame, and to make parking space many times larger than others.
- Features
- 1) Shorter installation period allows you to get
the best of the existing parking
- 2) Lightweight prefabricated steel constructions,
easy to assemble and disassemble, and reasonable price
- 3) Drive-in parking, no power cost and economical
- 4) It can be permitted as structure (below 8 m)
- 5) Excellent work in parking lots at plant, parks, airports, resorts or department stores, and in temporary parking lot.